Courage Compass Therapy

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When I first heard the word BAE, I was like--we are that lazy that we can't even say the last B? I was naive that BAE is an acronym for Before Anyone Else. #imold

Now that {I'm in the know}, it's a term we use for the most important person in our lives, but really, we need to be our own bae's.

We need to put ourselves first always (you can't pour from an empty cup, put on your own oxygen mask first), but this is essential during the holidays. It's a time that can be physically, emotionally and financially depleting. We need to remember to take care of ourselves even though the focus may be on so many other things. Don't forget you. 

You do deserve it, you are worthy.  Remember that worthiness is not conditional, you are enough now, as is.  You don't have to clean the whole house, wrap all the gifts, bake all the cookies, and address all the holiday cards before you can do something for yourself. 

If you didn't grab your holiday survival guide last week, click below to get your immediate download.  Work on making memories + meaning, not resentments.  Breathe a sigh of relief instead of holding your breath until the holidays are over.