Do you make decisions motivated by fear?
Fear of making a mistake?
Fear of looking boastful or conceited?
Fear of making others “mad?”
If so, you may feel like you’re living your life for others. Like you’re going in circles.
Like you just can’t get anything right or be good enough. Want to change that, and change it quickly?
Learn to make value-based decisions
instead of fear-based decisions
Using your Courage Compass
A signature service to help you clarify where you are, what you need, and where you’re going.
To help you understand how to establish and sustain the practices that help you feel satisfied and content with your life.
“Values” seems like a therapist-y shiny word that people say but don’t actually apply. In the Courage Compass we do. You’ll be able to name your values and apply them to your decisions immediately.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
But what if I’m not ready?
Many times people say they feel lost. Hopeless. Frustrated. Unsure of what decision to make next. So they don’t make a decision. They are paralyzed by what others will think. Trapped by the need to appear a certain way.
Inaction IS a decision. One that leaves you stuck; continuing the loop of frustration and inertia.
If you want to get a handle on the direction of your life, but don’t want to do weekly therapy, this is for you. Intelligent, hard-working, action-takers who need to be efficient and purposeful.
What if I already know my values?
We have aspired values and practiced values. Values that help us make decisions are practiced. Values that are an aspiration sound good to other people. What does it look like if you break down your value into what it looks like each day? Where and how does it show up?
Initially, many people will select “kindness,” “caring,” “generous,” or “family,” as values. There is nothing wrong with those values if they help guide your decisions. If values feel like judgment or what looks nice on paper, they may not be working for you.
I’m all about practicality. Perhaps it’s a value of mine, as it influences a lot of my decisions and frames my outlook. I like when things make sense and work efficiently, and I generally find that others like that too. This is exactly why I use the Courage Compass: to help others utilize their values as engines to drive decision making, rather than spinning their wheels, being stuck in the mud.
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels
The Courage Compass Package
There will be prerequisite work so that we can hit the ground running. No one has time to waste- practicality, remember?
This is highly unique and individualized to you. No one else will have the same compass. You will have the road map to sustaining your authentic self, your formula.
The work will total of 3 hours, which can be broken down into 1 hour each, 2 hours + 1 hour, or 3 hours.
Please complete the Courage Compass application to begin the process of redirecting your feelings, actions, and values.
So, I don’t quite get it…
How will this help? Think of it as an internal makeover.
Instead of an HGTV before and after picture, you will have an internal before experience that’s not serving you and an after action plan.
You will know your lived values (not the ones that sound good) and how to sustain them so that your life is in sync.
What if I stop using the compass?
We’re human. We’re fallible. The beauty of this exercise and tool is that you can hop back into the compass at any spot and get it going again.
The goal of the compass is to include and account for ways that you may veer off course and build that in. Even still, our lives can get crazy. If you get misaligned with your values, you will know exactly what you need to do to course correct.
What if my values change?
You will know how to create a NEW compass on your own, as our values and needs do change over time. We grow and mature, and thus it’s expected that our values would as well. This tool grows with you.
Why is there an application?
Like I mentioned above, I like to be practical. I want to ensure it’s the right fit for you, and you’re the right fit for the service. I also value integrity, and do not want to provide a service that is inappropriate for your current needs.
I also like to set things up for success; an application helps to determine that. If you feel that the Courage Compass may not be for you, I’m happy to explore what would work better to get you the results you’re looking for.
Send me an email:
This is not for you if:
You are experiencing indecision as a result of a traumatic reaction
You are not in a stable place in your life to reflect and make changes
Your mental health symptoms are getting in the way of your daily life and routine
You have PTSD or recent trauma that has not been treated
You’re not ready to implement and take action once those steps have been identified